Auspicious Mantra Filling and Consecration
In the Buddhist tradition, we believe that by filling the hollow body of the statue with the auspicious mantra rolls and blessing it by the Monk/Lamala, this beautiful work of art, a handmade statue, will come to life. To put it another way, bringing it to life transforms it into a true statue.
Mind - The enlightened speech will infuse positive energy into the practitioner's mind.
Body - Filling, and consecration demonstrate the statue's body, transforming it from a hollow shell into a greater being.
Speech - The mantras placed inside the statue provide an enlightened speech.
Filling the Buddhist Handmade Statue
All handmade statue has a hollow body and an opening at the bottom of the statue where a monk will insert the auspicious mantra rolls and materials. Starting from the Head, the Body and the base of the statue will be filled.

Material for Filling
Mantras are unique to each deity and should be placed near the heart of the statue. The mantra rolls have a specific deity's mantra inscribed all over them.
Rolling mantras, fragrant wood, incense powders, and other auspicious materials are needed to fill the statue.
The Process of filling the statue
The qualified Monk/Lamala will choose a specific date, an auspicious date to proceed with the ceremony. A significant amount of statues can be filled in a single day. Each statue is cleaned both inside and out, and then perfumed and raised to purify it. This ritual will be performed on an empty stomach in the early morning.
Mantra Filling in the Statue
Statues are entirely filled, from head to lotus throne. The monks place a pearl on the head to represent the brain. The monks then place the head mantras, ensuring each roll has a red dot at the top. Following that are the neck mantras and the beginning of the torso mantras, all done similarly. Special mantras specific to the deity are placed in the heart area, followed by the remaining torso mantras. The Lotus throne is regarded as a treasure house. It contains not only lotus throne mantras but also powdered incense, special herbs, and medicine pills, and often adds previous stones that have been blessed for a long time.

Sealing the Statue
When the statue is completely filled, the bottom plate is replaced and glued to seal it. If the bottom of a statue does not have a double vajra engraved on it, the monks will attach a paper one to it. Monks chant mantras while working throughout the process.
Blessing The Statue
The monk will continue to recite the deity's mantra visualization practice, in which they welcome and dissolve the wisdom being of the specific deity or image into the statue, bringing it to life. The monk blesses and uses other ritual tools, such as the ghanta and the vajra, and blessing seed (rice grain) to complete the ceremony.

Feel free to contact us if you would like to know more about the consecration details and the charges. (Please be advised that the fees are for the purchase of auspicious materials to fill the statues and a donation to the monk on your behalf.)
Click here for Consecration Reel